niedziela, 1 listopada 2020

bbno$- good luck, have fun

 It took a while for this record to win me over. Bbno$ has two sounds, depending on the producer he works with. I won’t lie, I’m more interested in what he has cooking up with Y2K, obviously he was the one responsible for their big breakthrough single La La La but most of my favorite bbno$ and Yung Gravy tracks.

Songs with Lentra have way less pop appeal, it sounds like the beat was doing everything to avoid being interesting a lot of the time. I was liking most of the singles from good luck have fun but the production was definitely the weakest link. I’ve grown to appreciate it more after hearing bb talking about it more, how it’s intensionally more percussion-based and minimal cause it gives him more space for his rapping. It definitely matches with bbno$’s understated performance and gives the album a very consistent mood. Sometimes it can even elevate a song, Man in the Mirror and Imma being prime examples. In the case of Man… the sad strings really set the vibe without overshadowing the personal verses bb delivers here. With Imma the simple beat manages to give the track a lot of momentum, it’s impressive how they managed to produce such a banger with so limited instrumentation.

Astronomy is a hilarious track with a tone of lyrical highlights. It has my favorite meta moment, where Alex says he doesn’t want to make a hook cause he doesn’t feel like it. Close second is on bubbles where he shouts “let me do some ad lips” followed by silence until the track ends. Both of those tracks suffer a little because the instrumentation is so one-dimensional it doesn’t complement the quirkiness of those songs one bit. With each listen I have gotten more and more used to the sound of the album and I started to appreciate it for what it is more and more. Only point where the record jumps at you with a major change of pace comes right at the end where bbno$ screams over some punk rock instrumentation for a minute and then the album ends.

It’s a solid project and the most consistent one in his discography so far. Still waiting for that album with Y2K though.

Rating: 7/10

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