niedziela, 1 listopada 2020

Oliver Tree- Ugly Is Beautiful

 It’s nearly impossible to judge the music on this record without brining up Oliver Tree is a character and all the drama surrounding its release. I used to like Tree a lot, his obsession with giant scooters really added to the entertainment value of his music. Sadly, because of latest interview he gave, my perception of him changed a little.

I know that being angry and sour has always been a part of his character but the pretentious comments, like calling himself a surrealist artist. I realize that his act is a way to market his songs but he seems to think his music is some incredible art statement. And it really isn’t. A lot of songs from “Ugly is Beautiful” made for entertaining singles, mostly thanks to the videos accompanying them but as a part of an album it all begins to feel extremely one-note and repetitive. Once in a while we’ll get a instrumental that stands out or a catchy melody but a majority of this record is Oliver shouting about not fitting in or how things always fall apart, all done over monotone beats. The only real change of pace we get is Alien Boy and maybe Introspective, the guitar line on this song is what sells it. I know I’m being very negative and the truth is I’ve been enjoying a lot of those songs as they were coming out as singles. Beyond the tracks that were already released though, there’s not much to enjoy. I’m aware that it wasn’t Olivers intent, he was very vocal about how he hated the albums rollout but still, it wouldn’t be a problem if the tracks that weren’t released yet were better.
It’s very possible that “Ugly is Beautiful” will remain Trees only album and to be honest I don’t really care if that’s the case. Lyrically he seemed limited to just a one topic, he displayed basically one emotion over the course of this record. It’s not even that unique, latest Hobo Johnson album a lot of the time had similar tone and went over similar topics but the lyrics on that project were more diverse and personal, meanwhile Oliver never went into anything in any detail. Even if he isn’t as serious as he says and it’s all an act, it’s not a particularly likeable one.

Rating: 5.5/10

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