Lyrics on here reach a perfect balance between being poetic and straightforward. The instrumentation is nothing out of the ordinary at the first glance but it’s all so masterfully assembled. There’s so much attention to details, even sounds that probably weren’t suppose to be there initially just fit perfectly. If you listen to parts of Bolt Cutters out of context you may categorize it as just a Regina Spektor- type singer-songwriter record but it’s so much more that it almost doesn’t feel fair comparing. And I really enjoy a lot of Reginas work.
I can’t name a song on here that isn’t a highlight but I especially love Cosmonauts. It’s also the catchiest, if any of the songs on here have a chance to get some radio attention, it’s this one. Fiona really gives it her all here vocally, especially towards the end. Towards the end of the record the tracks are starting to get more brief but not less captivating, especially the excellent Drumstick. I’m gonna be boring and praise the closer as well, it follows similar structure as Hot Knife, finishing another album with a chant that’s gonna be stuck in your head for next hours. Also a really solid lyrical wrap-up, talking once more about moving forward after all those years of difficulties. It's just perfect. It’s all perfect.
Rating: 9.5/10
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